Encouraging Toddler Dental Care

2 Tips To Make Your Child More Comfortable With Wearing Their Bionator

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Proper jaw alignment is important to ensuring that your child is able to eat and speak without any issues. Poor jaw alignment can also result in a myriad of dental issues in the future. If your dentist notices that your child’s jaw is not growing in properly, they may install a bionator. A bionator is a dental device that will bring your child’s lower and upper jaw together. In order to work, the bionator needs to be worn at all times.…

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Asking About An Abscess? The 411 On An Abscessed Tooth

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Regular visits to your dentist and proper oral hygiene will protect your smile, but certain conditions may still affect the underlying health of your teeth. Considering almost 1 million Americans visit the emergency room for dental pain, understanding the development of dental pain is smart. While surprising for many to learn, dental pain may be due to a severe infection, known as a tooth abscess. Unfortunately, you are most likely not familiar with how an abscess develops and causes pain.…

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Tips For Facing Summer With A Bright White Smile

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With the summer season in full swing, it’s time for sun, smiles and cookouts. All that laughter, smiling and bright sunlight will put your teeth on display. If you’re concerned that your teeth aren’t as white as you’d like them to be, don’t dismiss it as something you can’t do anything about. In fact, there are a few things you can do at home to help keep your smile as white as possible.…

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