Encouraging Toddler Dental Care

3 Factors Impacting The Time Investment For Dental Implants

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Dental implants are a popular tooth replacement option that offers stability due to a metal root structure. The dental implant process involves at least one surgical procedure and healing time before proceeding to the next step. If the amount of time between initial consultation and final implant is important to you, you need to consider a few of the factors that can impact your time investment for dental implants. Here are a few of the issues you should discuss with your oral surgeon.…

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Mental Twister: What The Brain Has To Do With Dental Pain (And Pain Relief)

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1880 marked a pivotal year in dental work – it introduced the use of general anesthesia (in the form of chloroform, though it has many other shapes) to the general public, making it that much easier to sit through a tooth extraction or a filling and still walk out of the dentist’s office like Pinon Hills Dental with a bright, genuine smile. However, while a lot is known about how to relieve tooth pain, not a lot is known about the processes in the brain that trigger these painful reactions in the first place, and what they do under anesthesia.…

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Dealing With Sleep Apnea

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If you suffer from sleep apnea or know someone that suffers from sleep apnea, then you know just how uncomfortable the condition can be. However, it is an entirely treatable condition if diagnosed. Here’s an explanation of exactly what sleep apnea is and how the various treatment procedures work: What is sleep apnea? Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder involving multiple periods of interrupted breathing, resulting in a disrupted sleep pattern.…

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